
The growth of XBrowser cannot be achieved without the support of some of our early friends. Thank you for your feedback, suggestions, donations and company.

Special Thanks

Timofey Lisunov

A friend from Russia, who helped me with the Russian translation. Every time the language file is updated, he always quickly synchronizes the translation to Russian.

Ali Alnajafi

This is a friend from Arabia, help me to finish the translation of the Arabic language.

Mario Carmelo

Mario helped me with the German translation.

Seyyid Seyyid

A friend from Turkey who completed the translation into Turkish language


An American friend of mine, who helped me a lot when XBrowser was first launched on GooglePlay.

Franco Noseda

A friend from Spain who helped translate into the Spanish language

Leonardo Gil

Thanks to Leonardo Gil for the Spanish translation support!

Stefan Sch

It was also a friend from Germany who helped me to improve the German translation and the German translation of the GooglePlay app introduction.

Lucas Macedo

This is a user from Brazil who helped with the Portuguese translation early on.

Some of the open source projects and services used

OkHttp -

The most popular Http library under Android, used to implement HTTP communication-related modules.

Ratchet -

A simple css, js component for mobile. Used to implement some functional pages of XBrowser


A mobile page debugging development tool, XBrowser’s developer tools are completed on this basis.

slip -

A js component for gesture dragging sorting.

hexo -

The official website of the XBrowser is based on this

tinypng -

My most used free online image compression tool, X is small because every image resource is compressed here.

Friends who have donated to me

Thank you to those who have donated to me. I don’t care about the amount of money, you have given me the motivation to keep maintaining and improving the product, thank you.